Good morning, everyone!
As you go about your day today, please read and ponder on this verse and message:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5, NIV).
Recently, my family watched the movie "Amazing Grace", which the the story of William Wilberforce, the leading man who abolished slavery in England. It was such a deep story of how Wilberforce came to know God, and literally worked himself to death over abolishing slavery because he knew that God hated it and wanted him to be His vessel. As we finished up the movie, my sister said, "abortion is the slavery of today". I thought to myself, "she so right". Abortion is the convenient and praised sin of our nation, that is taking the souls of real people who are thought to be nothing. Not human. The Worthless Unborn. Slavery carted around people from place to place, country to country, owner to owner, which caused the death of many. They were treated like dirt. But Wilberforce knew so strongly in his heart that blacking out slavery in any way he could was what he had to do- his privilege- to fight for those who had no voice. My prayer for myself and all of my fellow Christians, is to fight today. Don't just talk about it. Volunteer at centers (hey, Palmetto Women's is always open), start petitions, pray without ceasing, witness to literally everyone you know for we all are precious and are going somewhere in the end so fight for and with them, do literally whatever you can and what God is calling you to do. Wilberforce literally worked so hard it killed him. He worked tirelessly, he got sick, and the Lord took him home. While I absolutely think that Wilberforce could have been more health conscientious, there is a larger part of me that praises him for that. He knew that his life was something that he could use to bring honor and advancement to the kingdom so he used ALL of it for Him. And slavery was abolished in England on July 26,1833, and Wilberforce died 3 days later. God let him see the result of his job well done. So, where is that today? Who is fighting tirelessly every day to advance God's kingdom? We have to remember that our fun times our in the Millennium and in eternity. So, give up this life you have on this earth and give all to God. Work everyday, God will give you the strength to keep going, DON'T STOP. We're not promised tomorrow. But those babies weren't even given a today. Fight the good fight. - - - This is my (copied and pasted XD) message for today: My social media is “blacked out” today in honor of 2,411 innocent unborn children who were killed by abortion and stored in cardboard boxes in the garage of an Indiana abortionist.
Today they will finally be given a respectful burial — something most children killed by abortion never receive. We mourn the loss of these precious infants and resolve to continue fighting for the day when no child — wanted or “unwanted” — is ever dehumanized & killed by abortion. - - - "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." (Phil. 4:13) "Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense." (Proverbs 12:11)
@Heidi C. Pritchard
You are so right. Victims of sex trafficking really are slaves. I really appreciate you commenting about that. I am now going to make it a daily goal to pray for not only the babies and their parents who consciously took that chance to get pregnant but for those who couldn't control them getting pregnant. I recently read a book with our lovely Elise called "Not Your Princess" (which I'll have to do a book review on soon) that was a girl's account of being sexually abused and emotionally manipulated and it was so eye opening. Those girls (and men)... they are helpless. They are slaves. Slaves to the abuser. Slaves to their confusion and emotion. Slaves…
The abortion clinics are not just way outs for females who’ve thought they made a mistake with their boyfriends, they are filled with the real slaves of today. Victims of sex trafficking. We went to see the movie ‘Blind Eye Opened’ just last month. It is a Christian documentary that was very much worth viewing. Very eye opening to how Planned Parenthood plays a part in forced abortions in America. These girls taken to PP very well may not driven to the clinic by their boyfriend or parent. It is estimated that Human trafficking is a $150 Billion, yes with a B, dollar industry; $99 Billion of that revenue is sex trafficking. Worldwide the numbers say almost 25 Billion …