Ladies and gents, it's good to see you back here on the blog. I hope you're saying the same about me. XD
While it's been a hot minute, I'm here once again. I'm planning on giving myself a "post-at-least-once-a-month" talking to. ;)
~My Autumn Bucket-list~
Go to the mountains (planning on going with my fam this weekend *happy dance*)
Watch all of the Harry Potter movies
Collect leaves for my scrapbook
Read And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
Make S'mores at least 1,000 times~
Get Halloween Costume together before the day of Halloween (yeah... that happened last year. I had a good costume in the end but I really should have made up my mine sooner)
cArVE a PuMPkIn
Make Cornbread and Chili
Make homemade apple cider
Go stargazing at night with a friend (a "in my quarantine bubble" friend, of course)
Reread Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Make and Decorate Halloween cookies!
Watch Hocus Pocus
WATCH "IT'S THE GREAT PUMPKIN, CHARLIE BROWN" AT LEAST 40 TIMES (Because of my dad who is literally obsessed with Charlie Brown... that part always comes true every Halloween)
Knit a Halloween Hat
Paint an Autumn sky scene (canvas painting)
Play pin the face on the jack-o-lantern (because why not?)
ALSO! Amazing idea I saw someone posted on TikTok in the case that we cannot go trick-or-treating (Heaven forbid): Go reverse trick-or-treating! Dress up and deliver candy to friends! I am totally doing that... Even if Halloween isn't canceled.
What's on your Halloween Time- Autumn Bucket list??? Comment below!